Consulting Services
Healing Hands by Reginald Adams, photo by Mark Greenberg
Martin Donlin, 2016 Grande Cheese
Surge II, Sabine Senft
Grande Cheese, Laurel Porcari
Siena Leaves, Rebecca Koury
• Art collection and public calls development
• Project and art program management and implementation
• Installation, framing and lighting
• Inventory, cataloguing and de-accessioning advisement
• Appraisals and conservation consultations and referrals
• Storage and shipment advisement
• Long term preventative cleaning and maintenance
Greater Purpose, Grande Cheese, Douwe Blumberg
Foxglove, University Health System,
Ed Carpenter
Big Clubs, Fred Bendheim
Grande Cheese, Ansen Seale
Grande Cheese, Laurel Porcari